Monday 13 July 2015

On 21:47 by alina staar in    No comments

Goldman Sachs says that the business of Microsoft Windows is slowing down, reiterating its "sell" the analyst note issued today ahead of its quarterly earnings call next week.In that note, Goldman Sachs refers to Windows as a "continuous trawling "and an impediment to growth.

Basically, Goldman said he noted three things about Windows in the course of their field work:

• Go to 10 small businesses move to Windows at least once, deny Microsoft revenue from large corporate contracts.
• Windows Server 2003 is coming to an end of its life, that is, Microsoft no longer supports new updates and patches. But it has never been the most popular Microsoft product, so even if companies have the opportunity to update, questioned Goldman Sachs, which is sufficient to really have much impact on the final result.
• Very few companies renew their license agreements Company (ELA), a software package more packages that support Microsoft offers larger customers.

And while Microsoft Office 365, the cloud-based software productivity mega popular version is experiencing "Strong Momentum" in the company, Goldman says it is not really boost the value of many enterprise agreements.

Combine all this with the declining market for desktop PCs in general, things are not good for Microsoft in the short term. Goldman Sachs is predicting that Microsoft quarter earnings of 22 million dollars to tell a little lower than the consensus $ 22.1 billion.


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