Tuesday, 13 January 2015

On 21:16 by alina staar in    No comments
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks during a press conference at the intersection of cloud and mobile computing, in San Francisco. Microsoft Verizon Communications has the center of its efforts to build a global network to accelerate delivery of video for users of its service Azure cloud computing.

For some, the decision comes a little surprise. Microsoft had to reverse the development of the network, according to observers, but now seems. When it comes to the Internet infrastructure, web giants players such as Microsoft usually build their own offerings, rather than relying on service providers like Verizon. And in recent years, these content delivery networks or CDN, some large accumulations have seen outs.

If you have Netflix and Google, it helps to have full control over your CDN; you can supply a significant portion of the evening sun Internet data more efficiently. And Microsoft has already successfully accelerated a different CDN for the surrender of their own websites, videos and software updates monthly. But the Azure network was built for the customer and not internal company use a different type of project, says Dan Rayburn, an expert on streaming media and bloggers.

A Verizon spokesman confirmed Monday that the company WILL uses the network of Digital Media Services Microsoft Azure CDN and his group, and according to Microsoft, the traffic on the EdgeCast CDN Verizon acquired in 2013. Microsoft said wire, are delighted partner with EdgeCast, an integral part of the offer workflow Azure Media Services.

But turn over its internal effort makes sense for Microsoft, said Rayburn, who was the first news of the agreement between Microsoft and Verizon. The biggest competitor Azure, Amazon has built over CDN services on their own supply network to tarnish user for years. However, Microsoft came late to the game and offered brief product, said Rayburn.Verizon agreement should happen at a faster solution that has more capacity to the market, he says. It also shows that is in constant motion, even in this age of do-it-yourself Web giants.


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